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A STEM Education Revolution for
CMAss Middle and High School Students

2021 Live Remote VEX Robotics World Championship

2021 Live Remote VEX Robotics World Championship

Hong Kong Tech Challenge 2018

Hong Kong Tech Challenge 2018

2018 VEX Worlds

2018 VEX Worlds

About VEX  Robotics Competition

The VEX Robotics Competition is a competition for middle & high school students (aged 11-18). Participants design a robot using the VEX EDR metal robotics construction platform to solve an engineering challenge presented in the form of game. 


VEX Robotics Competition is played on a 12’x12’ square field. Two alliances – one “red” and one “blue” – composed of two teams each, compete in matches consisting of a fifteen second autonomous period followed by one minute and forty-five seconds of driver-controlled play. Teams can also compete in individual Programming or Robot Skills trials. 

About Team 7984

Team 7984 started at 2010 and mainly focus to middle and high school students. It offers a learning experience to strengthen student potential and integrates with engineering design principle with our school high school curriculum. Finally, it helps students to prepare post-secondary school education and real world applicability. 
Team 7984 also provide a mentoring scheme to other elementary school. This program enhance student interest of STEM and support the beginner to involve VEX Robotics Competition easily.
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Game 2021-22


Game 2019-20

change up.png

Game 2018-19

VRC Turning Point_2x.png
turning point prop.png

Game 2016-17

Game 2014-15

Game 2019-20
Tower Takeover.png

Game 2017-18

Game 2015-16

Game 2013-14

Game 2012-13


Copyright © 2020 CMAss Robotics Team.  All Rights Reserved.

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